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Create an item details CSV file from scratch
Create an item details CSV file from scratch

Learn how to create the CSV file template for importing item details in bulk into SKULabs

Updated over a week ago

SKULabs uses different CSV templates for importing and adjusting different parts within SKULabs. This article deals with creating and editing the item details CSV template.

Building the item details CSV

Less is more

Only include the SKUs and optional field columns you intend to make changes to. As CSV importing is a powerful tool, using this conservative method will help you avoid any potential mistakes.

Available Fields:

Add as new columns in the first row of your CSV to import additional information:

  • SKU - Required when creating new items. The stock keeping unit used to refer to the physical item.

  • Name - Required when creating new items. A name you would like to give to the SKU. This is used throughout SKULabs for a brief reference.

  • Barcode - Required when creating new items. The physical barcode required during scanning to fulfill the item. You can specify multiple barcodes by delimiting them with a comma (,).

  • Length - The length of the item.

  • Width - The width of the item.

  • Height - The height of the item.

  • Dimensions Unit - The unit used for the measurements.

  • Weight - The weight of the item.

  • Weight Unit - The unit for the weight of the item.

  • Fulfillment SKU - The fulfillment SKU of the item (used by Amazon).

  • Latency - The number of days it takes to fulfill the item (used by Amazon and Walmart).

  • Notes - Notes for this item. These will be used when creating purchase orders.

  • Unit - Unit for this item. These are used when creating purchase orders and communicating the correct ordering unit of a product to the supplier.

  • Cost - The cost of this item. This will be used for stock reporting.

  • Retail - The retail price of this item.

  • Sale - The price after the retail price has been reduced by a discount.

  • Wholesale - The amount this item sells for under wholesale orders.

  • Image - The URL of the image (for users without listings). You can specify multiple images by delimiting them with a comma (,).

  • Serial #- A list of serial numbers attached to the item, separated by a comma.

  • Reuse Serials - Yes or No to enable or disable reusing serial numbers.

  • Tags - The tags associated with the item.

  • Active - A flag (Yes or No) representing whether the item is active or inactive.

Double check:

  1. That the SKUs for items you want to import details for are accounted for under the SKU column of the Items Table on your inventory page.

  2. There are no duplicate SKU's entered in the SKU field column. If there are, then the file will not import.

  3. That you have correctly entered the information. Remember, some values are case-sensitive and must match exactly for imports to work properly.

Once you have your template filled out, it's time to import your CSV

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