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How to add or import supplier items
How to add or import supplier items

Creating, importing, and managing supplier items.

Updated over 3 months ago

When you'd like to bulk add items to your suppliers, SKULabs offers simple options in-app and through imports.

At least one supplier must be created, if you don't have one see this article:

Automatically associate items to a supplier while purchasing

SKULabs will automatically assign items to a supplier's catalog when purchased for easier ordering next time.

  1. Create a purchase order

  2. Save the purchase order

  3. Any items on your PO that haven't already been assigned to that supplier will now show up as items available from that supplier

Add items to your supplier's catalog in-app

  1. Navigate to Purchasing > Suppliers tab

  2. Open a suppliers catalog by clicking their name.

  3. Select add item at the top right of the table.

  4. Search the table to assign the item(s) this supplier provides and select the + button in each item's row to add it to the supplier's catalog.

Tip: If an item you wish to add isn't immediately visible, try changing the sorting of the table's columns and/or searching for the item's name, SKU, or barcode.

Add supplier specific information to an item in-app

Once a suppliers catalog has been assigned items, you can set supplier specific information about those items.

  1. Select the orange edit icon next to an item in the items table.

  2. Fill in the supplier's part number (or MPN), cost, minimum order quantity, and other optional parameters.

Once you select Save, these new supplier item specifics will be applied to any future purchase orders created for this supplier.

Importing supplier items in bulk (CSV)

You can add or update supplier items in bulk using a CSV. You can find the data required by SKULabs and upload your spreadsheet file in the Purchase Orders tab of the imports/exports page.

Simply create a spreadsheet with the require fields as headers, export a CSV, then upload to the Imports/Exports page.

Set up reorder rule

Next, we recommend setting up a reordering rule to make creating purchase orders easy and accurate.

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