The Item page allows you to view and manage all of the details associated with a catalog item. This includes the item's inventory, sales channel listings, orders, purchase orders, and more.
Items represent the individual physical products that you want to fulfill or track inventory for. Each item will have a unique SKU and barcode assigned to it, and may have one or more listings linked to it.
The Item page is broken down into panels. Each panel presents a different type of information, and often includes access to tools that allow you to manage that information. Those panels are outlined on this page, and are listed in the order in which they appear on the Item page.
The first panel offers a basic overview of the item and its details. From here, you can upload an image for the item, edit basic information about the item, or delete the item if needed. The following information will be displayed if available:
Name: The name that was entered when creating the item.
Image: The main image associated with the item. This will appear in many parts of the SKULabs interface, such as the order picking list and listing management tools.
Active: This indicates whether or not this item should be available in inventory management and order fulfillment functionality. Unmarking an item as active can hide it from view in many parts of the SKULabs interface.
SKU: The unique identifier that is tied to the item and its UPC.
Barcode: The barcode that is used to verify the item when picking orders, and for other activities such as searches and returns.
Weight: The shipping weight of the item, measured in the weight unit entered (see below).
Weight Unit: The unit of measurement for the item's shipping weight.
Dimensions: The shipping dimensions of the item, measured in the length unit entered (see below).
Dimensions Unit: The unit of measurement for the item's shipping dimensions.
Fulfillment SKU: If this item is part of the Fulfillment by Amazon program, the fulfillment SKU may be used to track FBA inventory and to submit fulfillment orders to Amazon's distribution centers.
Notes: Any internal notes that you want to associate with this item can be kept here.
Unit: The unit of measurement (if any) that you sell this item by. This is handy for products that are stocked and sold by the pound, by the yard, etc.
Cost: The item's default wholesale cost. Per distributor cost settings can override this default.
Wholesale: The item's default wholesale order price. Wholesale order line item prices can override this default.
Retail: The item's default retail order price. Retail order line item prices can override this default.
Image: If you have a main product image hosted on an external website or server that you wish to associate with this item, you can enter the image URL here.
Custom fields: Any additional data that you want to associate with this item can be added here in a field and value format.
You can edit any of the above information by selecting the Edit button ( ). Note that each catalog item's name, SKU, and UPC must be unique.
The Stock panel allows you to manage stock levels per warehouse location. To quickly move on hand inventory from one location to another, select the Swap button ( ) on the location's row. To edit the on hand inventory or low inventory alert threshold for a location, select the Edit button ( ) on the location's row. To remove all inventory from a location, select the Delete button ( ) on the location's row.
To add inventory to a new location, select Add inventory above the inventory table. Once you have selected a warehouse and entered a location, on hand inventory count, and low alert level, a new row will be added to the inventory table.
To make organized inventory adjustments in a location, select Reconcile inventory above the inventory table. You can add to, subtract from, or replace the stock level in that location with a certain quantity. You can also include the reason and an optional note to be included in the item's activity log (see below).
The Log panel allows you to see all of the recent inventory changes for this item. Recent inventory activity for this item are listed in a table, with rows indicating what changes occurred and by whom. You can search for changes by the type of change, the date that the change was made, or by the user who performed the action.
Purchase Orders
The Purchase Orders panel allows you to see all of the past or present purchase orders that include this item. The purchase orders with this item are listed in a table, with rows indicating which distributor the purchase order was placed with and when it was placed. To open a purchase order, select its PO # on the purchase order's row.
The Distributors panel allows you to see all of the distributors that you can purchase this item from. The item's distributors are listed in a table, with rows indicating each distributor's part number, price, minimum quantity, and more.
To add this item to a distributor's catalog, select Add distributor above the distributors table. To edit the item's purchasing details with a distributor, select the Edit button on the distributor's row. To remove the item from a distributor's catalog, select the Delete button ( ) on the distributor's row.
The Channels panel allows you to see which sales channels this item is active in.
Your active sales channels are listed in a table, with each row featuring an Active indicator. An item is considered active in a channel when an active listing on the channel is linked to the item.
The Listings panel allows you to see all of the listings that are linked up to this item. The item's linked listings are listed in a table, which each row showing which store the listing is active on.
To link a listing to this item, select Link listing above the listings table. Once you have found and selected a listing, a new row will be added to the listings table. To unlink a listing from this item, select the Delete button on the listing's row.
The Kits panel allows you to see all of the kits that this item is included in. The item's linked kits are listed in a table, which each row showing the quantity of the item that is included in the kit.
The Additional Barcodes panel allows you to see any additional barcodes that you have associated with this item. The barcodes that are associated with this item, with the exception of the main UPC, are listed in a table. To add another barcode to this item, select Add barcode above the barcodes table. If you no longer need to associate a barcode with this item, select the Delete button on a barcode's row.
Serial Numbers
The Serial Numbers panel allows you to see all of the serial numbers that you have associated with this item. The serial numbers that are associated with this item are listed in a table. To add more serial numbers to this item, select Add serial numbers above the serial numbers table. If you no longer need to associate a serial number with this item, select the Delete button on the serial number's row.
Why use serial numbers?
There are many cases in which the individual items being kept in inventory and sold to customers need to have unique identifiers attached to them. This is called serialization, and is most commonly used on high-value goods for more precise tracking or for warranty claims.
To learn more, check out our guide on serialized inventory management:
Past Orders
The Past Orders panel allows you to see all of the previous that included this item. The orders that have been placed with this item are listed in a table, with rows indicating which store the order was placed on and when it was placed. To open an order, select its Order # on the order's row.
This panel also allows users to view which orders are currently reserving stock from an item.
Cycle Counts
The Cycle Counts panel allows you to see all of the past or present cycle counts that include this item. The cycle counts with this item are listed in a table, with rows indicating when the cycle count was created and which location it is for. To add this item to a new cycle count, select Create cycle counts above the cycle counts table.
Transfer Orders
The Transfer Orders panel allows you to see all of the past or present transfer orders that include this item. The transfer orders with this item are listed in a table, with rows indicating where the transfer order is coming from and which location it's going to. To add this item to a new transfer order, select Create transfer order above the transfer orders table.
The Images panel allows you to see or add additional images for this item. To upload another image for this item, select Add image above the images table.