SKULabs offers customizable roles, preferences, and user permissions that can be enabled per user by a manager, or administrator.
How to set User Roles, Preferences, and Permissions
Navigate to the Users page.
Select a user's name.
Select Profile settings.
User Roles
Set the users Role using the dropdown in the User Profile Settings window that opens.
There are 4 roles for users, each with their own default permissions:
Administrator: Typically the owner; has full access to all components and features.
Manager: Full access to all parts of SKULabs, but restricted access to sales figures.
Standard: Restricted access to barcode editing, insights, and settings.
Limited: Restricted access to inventory and pricing.
User Preferences
Set each users preferences for settings to like enabling Auto-printing packing slips or disabling manual verification for pickers/shippers.
User Permissions
For more control, you can disable permissions for any user with a role of Manager or below.
Scroll to the User Permissions section.
Click on Edit Permissions.
Note: Fine-grained user permissions are used to further limit the access granted to a user role. They cannot be used to provide access beyond what is already allowed for the user role. To grant access not allowed for the user role, upgrade the user role and then use user permissions to restrict access.
Manage the Permissions for the User account: