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How to create and configure kits
How to create and configure kits

Configuring your catalogs kits and kit components

Updated over a year ago

Before you begin: During initial account setup, it is common to re-import the entire catalog from scratch after our team's review. This will remove any/all progress made toward your catalog without approval.

It is important to schedule an account review and onboarding call with our team to approve your account for catalog configuration. Send us a chat, email us at [email protected], give us a call at 1-800-243-2986, or choose a time to get started with the next steps.


Kits, bundles, or multi-packs are listings which your team fulfills by picking one or more individual items. This could mean picking a single item in multiple units (e.g. a 5-pack or 10-lbs of a product) or picking three different items in any varying quantities (e.g. a set of 4 forks and 4 spoons).

When a listing linked to a kit appears on an order, you will be prompted to pick and ship each of the component items. Additionally, the inventory stock for each individual item that makes up the kit will also be deducted appropriately.

Kits have unique properties:

  • SKULabs can separately track inventory and push stock to your channel both for a kit and it's individual component items. This requires that both the kit and any individual products each have their own SKUs and component items are linked to their own corresponding listings. If needed, you can always relink listings to the correct item.

  • A Kits inventory count is calculated based on the available inventory of its component items in your store's linked warehouses.

  • Kits can be built with multiple items and/or multiple units of an item.

  • Kits have their own unique barcodes that can be used to scan/verify/receive/deduct all components that make it up.

  • Kits can be displayed as breakdown of the individual component items during order fulfillment.

How to create and configure kits

1. Recreate an existing item as a kit

By default, listings sync builds new SKUs from your sales channel into individual items on in SKULabs. From there, you can simply recreate the new item as a kit within SKULabs, and configure the kit with the correct components that fulfill it.

  1. Go to your inventory page and find the item you wish to recreate as a kit.

  2. Select the checkbox next to the item.

  3. Click Actions > Recreate items as kits and confirm the action in the window which appears.

NOTE: It is best to recreate items into kits early in an item's lifetime to avoid impacting shipment exports, historical sales velocity data, and other areas of SKULabs unexpectedly.

Before converting any items with historical data into kits, take a full back up from your Exports page or instead consider leaving the item alone and unlinking the listing from the item and relink it to the kit.

2. Adding component items to the kit

Once created, kits can be configured with the correct component items. This is usually done in two ways:

Within the kits tab

  1. Go to the kits page

  2. Click one of the numbers shown under the # Items or SKUs column:

  3. Use the Create new item or Add existing item buttons to fill the kit with the component items and quantities of those items the kit represents. Click save to apply.

Within a kit's details

  1. Click on a kit's name to view its details.

  2. On the kit's details page, click Add item to kit under the component items panel.

  3. In the window that appears, use the + icons to add component items.

  4. If needed, you can always adjust or remove the individual item quantities within a kit by using the edit or delete icons in the Component items panel.

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