Need a better way to determine what items and quantities need to be transferred from one warehouse to another for fulfillment each day? The SKULabs order replenishment feature helps you easily create a ready-to-process transfer order for the stock needed to successfully ship orders from a forward picking area based on your current open orders.
This provides a simple method to top-up a picking warehouse and can be used for use cases with daily order shipping, staging time or temperature sensitive products, and more.
How to create an order replenishment transfer
Go to the processing orders list
Use filters to isolate any orders you'd like consider for replenishment or that need stock
Select the checkboxes beside your orders
Click actions > create replenishment order
βChoose the Source Warehouse where you will be transferring inventory from
Choose the Destination Warehouse where you will be transferring inventory to
Click "calculate" to review the suggested quantities, then click "create transfer order"
You can then process the transfer normally like any other from transfers page
Once inventory is received, finish verifying your orders like normal.
TIP: After creating a replenishment, the orders remain selected, letting you easily tag those orders to set them apart.
How it works
The report calculates a quantity for whichever of the following is higher:
The quantity needed in the destination warehouse to fulfill unpicked/unshipped items.
The quantity needed to replenish an item to its stock alert level in the destination warehouse.
The report automatically prevents over-transferring by excluding:
Units which are already picked or shipped
Unreceived units on open transfer orders to the destination warehouse
Negative on hand stock levels in the destination warehouse are considered in the calculation.
On hand stock in the source warehouse is not factored.
Reach out to support in chat if you have any additional questions or need help with this feature!