By default, SKULabs imports BigCommerce orders in all of the following statuses:
Awaiting Fulfillment
Awaiting Shipment
Awaiting Pickup
Awaiting Payment
Partially Refunded
Partially Shipped
To choose precisely which BigCommerce orders you want to import into SKULabs by their status on BigCommerce or to add more in addition to these defaults:
In SKULabs, go to your store settings and choose your BigCommerce store.
Scroll down and click on the Access credentials & integration settings panel.
Under the Statuses field, enter all order statuses you want SKULabs to import, one per line.
Additional order statuses SKULabs recognizes:
Manual Verification Required
Importing statuses with custom names
BigCommerce allows users to change the name of default statuses. However, to import orders under these custom named statuses, you must fill in the status field with the original BigCommerce status name (not the customized name it may have been changed to).
"Awaiting Shipment" and "Awaiting Pickup" update
BigCommerce says orders in these statuses have been packaged and are ready for pickup by the shipping carrier or customer. In SKULabs, this best aligns with the "Shipped" status. SKULabs treats these orders as if they were "Shipped". If you do not scan-deduct, ship-deduct, or auto-deduct these orders they will release their reserves.