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QuickBooks Online accounting settings configuration
QuickBooks Online accounting settings configuration
Updated over a year ago

After connecting QuickBooks to SKULabs, you can decide which information you want SKULabs to push to QuickBooks Online account. Visit settings > advanced > accounting settings to get started.

See the QuickBooks FAQ at the bottom of this page for additional information.

Syncing stock levels to QuickBooks Online

Syncing stock to QuickBooks is typically done in one of two fashions:

  1. Pushing orders as invoices and/or sales receipts where QuickBooks handles their own deduction of inventory; and pushing purchase orders to replenish inventory.

  2. Enabling SKULabs to directly adjust inventory levels on QuickBooks through stock sync. This is typically only used for Quickbooks POS when SKULabs is the master of inventory. Please note, with this method:

  • We recommend reaching out to QuickBooks support for additional assistance if this is the route you want to go.

  • QuickBooks does not log adjustment reasons.

  • QuickBooks defaults inventory adjustments to the Inventory Shrinkage account.

Sync purchase orders

SKULabs can push received purchase orders that are closed on SKULabs within the last 120 days to QuickBooks Online. To enable this, choose a selection for each of the following accounts:

  • Accounts payable

  • Inventory assets

  • Product sales income

  • Cost of goods sold expense

Next, enable the option to Sync purchase orders, then click save.

Include processing purchase orders

This option enables SKULabs to push processing purchase orders that are created or imported into SKULabs with any status, closed or otherwise, within the last 120 days.

Create Bill for closed purchase orders

This option enables SKULabs to create a bill when pushing closed purchase orders to QuickBooks online.

  • SKULabs only creates bills for closed purchase orders. Bills for any kind of processing purchase orders will not be created.

  • When creating a Bill for a purchase order on QuickBooks Online, all of the following happen:

    • QuickBooks automatically closes the PO

    • QuickBooks increments Quantity On Hand for the items in the PO

    • QuickBooks decrements Quantity On PO for items in the PO

    • QuickBooks increments the balance in the Inventory Asset account (current asset)

    • QuickBooks increments the balance in the Accounts payable account

Sync orders to QuickBooks as sales receipts or invoices

SKULabs can push orders from any active, non-QuickBooks stores within the last 30 days to QuickBooks as sales receipts or invoices. By default, SKULabs pushes all orders as sales receipts when the Sync orders option is enabled. If you want to push some orders as Invoices, read more below before enabling.

1. Choosing which orders push as sales receipts or invoices

You can use customizable shipping rules to choose which orders push as sales receipts or invoices. If you want to push orders as both, you'll need a shipping rule for each case.

Note: When using multiple rules for QuickBooks sync, configure the each rules criteria in a way that avoids crossover. For example, if all manual store orders should be synced to QuickBooks as invoices, then ensure your other rules do not include manual store orders.

Sales receipts:

  1. Create a shipping rule and add the action "Create sales receipt (accounting)" as shown below.

  2. Add filters to decide which orders this rule will apply to and push as sales receipts.

  3. After setting up your shipping rules and selecting the correct QuickBooks accounts mentioned above, enable the switch to Sync orders, then click save.


Tip: Depending on whether you bill pre-shipment or post-shipment, consider using the order status as a filter. For post-shipment invoicing, it is recommended to use shipped order status filter.

  1. Create a shipping rule and add the action "Create invoice (accounting)" as shown below.

  2. Add filters to decide which orders this rule will apply to and push as invoices.

  3. After setting up your shipping rules and selecting the correct QuickBooks accounts mentioned above, enable the switch to Sync orders, then click save.

2. Enabling order sync

With your rules configured, visit settings > advanced > accounting settings and choose a selection for each of the following accounts:

  • Inventory assets

  • Product sales income

  • Cost of goods sold expense

  • Sales tax code – Optional. If left blank, "TAX" will be used as the default.

Next, enable the option to Sync orders, then click save.

Include shipping and billing address

Fairly straightforward, when pushing orders as either sales receipts and invoices, this option will include shipping and billing address from SKULabs.

Sync currency code and items in multiple currencies

This requires turning on the Multi-currency setting and whitelisting currency codes on QuickBooks. Note: According to QuickBooks, once you turn this feature on in QuickBooks, you cannot turn it off. Only turn this feature on if you need it.

If you create purchase orders or receive orders with different currency codes:

  1. Enable SKULabs to push currency code to QuickBooks on your SKULabs Accounting Settings.

  2. Enable the multi-currency feature on QuickBooks

  3. Assign currency code to suppliers when creating or editing a supplier in SKULabs. And, ensure all suppliers in SKULabs have currency code

  4. Ensure all existing vendors in QuickBooks have currency code assigned to them

  5. Ensure vendor and supplier names match between QuickBooks and SKULabs. This allows SKULabs to use existing vendors on QuickBooks by looking them up by name instead of creating new vendors.

Sales Receipts / Invoices:

  • SKULabs pushes orders to QuickBooks Online with the currency code provided on the order by your sales channel upon import.

  • If a currency code is not provided by your channel, SKULabs will not push currency, which means QuickBooks uses the default currency code for the account.

Purchase orders:

  • When creating a PO, the supplier's assigned currency is automatically associated with the PO.

  • When a PO is pushed to QuickBooks, SKULabs includes the currency code associated to the PO.


  1. How are accounts used and why are they required?

    QuickBooks API requires accounts to be assigned to purchase orders and items. QuickBooks API does not allow pushing a PO, Sales Receipt, or Invoice when it contains an item that doesn't already exist on QuickBooks. As such, SKULabs creates items that don't exist on QuickBooks by first checking whether an SKU exists on QuickBooks. If the item doesn't exist, SKULabs creates the item on QuickBooks to make the process of pushing POs, Sales Receipts and Invoices seamless.

    - The "Accounts payable" account you select is assigned as a payable account to POs pushed to QuickBooks.

    - The "Inventory asset", "Product sales income", and "Cost of good sold expense" accounts you select are used as default accounts for creating items on QuickBooks.

  2. How do I assign different accounts to different items?

    Assigning different accounts to different items is possible by creating items directly on QuickBooks and associating the items to the desired accounts. When creating an item on QuickBooks, assign the following accounts:

    • Income Account

    • Expense Account

    • Asset Account

    Because SKULabs is not a listing publishing (product information management) software, it doesn't provide robust item information mapping, such as tax accounts, per item or group of items. For this reason, we recommend creating items directly on QuickBooks.

    When adding a new item to your catalog in the future, have a process in place to add the item on QuickBooks as well when the new item is first added to other sales channels or SKULabs. You can add an item on QuickBooks first and import it into SKULabs via listings sync. Otherwise, SKULabs would attempt to create the item on QuickBooks using default accounts when the first PO or Sales Receipt/Invoice containing that item is pushed to QuickBooks.

  3. Can SKULabs push sales receipts or invoices to QuickBooks for orders created manually in SKULabs?

    All orders, including manual store and sales channel orders can be pushed to QuickBooks as sales receipts or invoices.

  4. How often are sales receipts and invoices pushed to QuickBooks?

    Sales receipts and invoices are synced to QuickBooks every 30 minutes on average after they are created or imported into SKULabs.

    Any orders that fail to be created on QuickBooks Online for any reason will automatically retry for up to 30 days from the order creation date.

  5. Are changes to orders pushed to QuickBooks to update sales receipt or invoice?

    No. Once an order is pushed to QuickBooks, it will not be re-pushed again. As a result, changes to orders (such as order edits, cancellations and refunds) after they have been synced to QuickBooks are not pushed to QuickBooks and would need to be applied directly in QuickBooks.

  6. Can I control which orders are pushed to QuickBooks as sales receipt or invoice?

    Yes, you can use shipping rules to control which orders are synced to QuickBooks. For example, you can configure shipping rules to push paid orders as sales receipts and unpaid orders as invoices.

    Note: By default, if shipping rules aren't setup, SKULabs pushes all orders to QuickBooks as sales receipts.

  7. How are updates to purchase orders synced to QuickBooks handled?

    By default, purchase orders are pushed to QuickBooks after they are closed. Updates to a purchase order after it has been synced to QuickBooks will not be pushed or reflected in QuickBooks and need to be applied directly in QuickBooks.

    If a PO fails to sync initially for some reason, the system automatically retries syncing 4 times per day for 60 days from the date a PO was initially closed on.

  8. Can Purchase Orders be pushed to QuickBooks by tag, rules or manually pushed?

    These functionalities are not currently supported.

  9. Can I use different SKUs in QuickBooks and SKULabs?

    Yes, you can use different SKUs between SKULabs and QuickBooks. All you need to do is to link the QuickBooks listings to the correct items in SKULabs, and this will allow SKULabs to use QuickBooks listing SKUs when communicating with QuickBooks.

  10. Is a listing sync required for SKULabs to begin pushing sales receipts or POs to QuickBooks Online?

    No, only stock sync requires having listings imported.

  11. Does SKULabs update the cost of goods sold on QuickBooks?

    SKULabs does not directly change the cost of goods sold on QuickBooks. SKULabs provides QuickBooks with inputs like purchase orders, sales receipts / invoices, or inventory counts. From there, SKULabs doesn't have any control over how QuickBooks uses these inputs.

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