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Sales channel integration guides

25 articles
Creating Amazon MCF fulfillments (automatically or manually)Shipping orders using your Amazon FBA inventory
How to get your Fedex meter numberSteps to retrieve your Fedex meter number and connecting to SKULabs
Switching primary carriersSteps to ensure seamless integration when changing your primary shipping carrier
How do I change my store's initial stock import and catalog setup settings?How do I sync listings into SKULabs? How do I sync stock from my channel into SKULabs?
What is stock sync?Syncing stock from SKULabs warehouses onto to your sales channels. Keywords: enable, activate, turn on, stock, inventory, synchronization
How to reauthorize or reconnect your Amazon storeThis article walks you through the steps to reauthorize Amazon store credentials
BigCommerce multi-storefrontConfiguration and frequently asked questions
WooCommerce Order StatusImporting WooCommerce orders with custom statuses